The third quarter of 2024 may well be remembered for the dramatic shift in Federal Reserve policy. With a fifty basis-point interest rate cut, Chairman Powell made it quite clear that rising unemployment was more worrisome than inflation, which was gradually falling towards the Federal Reserve’s 2% goal. In addition, most market observers now believe that there will be two more policy cuts this year and several more in 2025. After an initial hesitation, the markets have responded positively to this change, in spite of significant risks such as the escalating war in the Middle East, a structurally imbalanced Chinese economy, and uncertainty around the U.S. presidential and congressional elections. We attribute this apparent contradiction to the wave of liquidity from elevated fiscal stimulus measures and central bank easing both here and abroad.

To say market forecasts have been subject to change is an understatement. Since the Fed’s policy change, past economic data has been revised to show significantly more robust growth than previously estimated, and the latest jobs numbers blew past economists’ projections. Rather than falling, the September numbers showed that non-farm payroll increased by 254,000—more than 100,000 above the consensus among economists—and the prior two months tally was increased by 72,000. As such, the unemployment rate, which was expected to rise, fell to 4.1% in September from the prior month’s 4.2%. These types of numbers make one want to question the perceived scenario of steadily falling interest rates through 2024 and 2025.

Despite evidence that low-wage earners in the U.S. are having a difficult time, overall consumer spending and confidence have held up remarkably well. In addition, the world economy may be getting a welcome shot in the arm from a just-announced massive stimulus program in China. While few details have been announced, it would appear to target not only China’s faltering housing market but also consumers themselves. 

With the popular equity indexes recently hitting record highs, earnings and earnings guidance become more important. Consensus numbers are for the S&P 500 earnings to rise 8% this year and 14% in 2025. While we believe a “soft landing” is possible this year, we also think 2025 earnings estimates are quite aggressive, and may leave the markets subject to a pullback early next year.                                   

October 2024

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They were 4-to-1 up last Friday

DJIA: 43,239

They were 4-to-1 up last Friday… congrats to all you great traders!  Back in our days at the Bob Farrell school of technical analysis, a colleague once quipped he was a great trader, all he needed was a bull market. We are always reminded of that when we see unusually one-sided up days like last Friday. Keep in mind, too, A/D numbers like that are not unusual when coming off of a washout sort of low, but not so common in the midst of an ongoing uptrend. The 70-80% of stocks above their 200-day speaks to the latter.  Simply put, this sort of momentum is impressive, and despite Tuesday’s setback doesn’t turn on a dime.  At market lows stocks tend to bottom together, but stocks peak a few at a time.

This idea that market peaks are a process is what makes measures like the A/D numbers and stocks above their 200-day important. They measure the average stock and the average stock peaks before the stock Averages – the big cap Averages typically are the last to give it up. Of course this adds to the psychology of a top such that while many stocks may have already peaked, the market still appears to be holding. That means there’s hope for the rest, but you know how that works out. When the Averages and the average stock diverge it doesn’t end well, it’s as simple as that. However, it doesn’t end immediately. As we’ve noted many times, it was five months before divergences ended in the Crash in ‘87.  Then, too, as markets narrow, unlike last Friday there are fewer and fewer great traders.

That Nvidia (137) should make a closing high on Monday, only to have the group take a big hit Tuesday, does seem a bit of a dirty trick. At the root of Tuesday’s weakness was the weakness in ASML (701), not exactly Nvidia, but an important Semi Equipment manufacturer. And, of course, it took the whole area lower as well – KLAC (670), AMAT (183) and so on. Adding to the surprise here, Semis have just entered a seasonally positive couple of months, with a win rate of something like 80%. Of course volatility is not exactly unheard of when it comes to Semiconductors. If you don’t care for volatility there’s always our favorite Semiconductor, Lawrence Welk. Meanwhile, a distinction needs to be made between the equipment names and the rest, including names like Nvidia, Micron (112), Broadcom (182) and Marvell (80), the latter broke out amidst the Tuesday turmoil.

Amidst Tuesday’s turmoil in Tech, it was bring your Financial stocks to work day. Tuesday’s configuration was unusually positive in that the Averages were all weak while NYSE A/Ds were slightly positive. This will only happen when, because of their numbers, Financials are unusually strong or the Oils are unusually strong. It wasn’t the Oils. It doesn’t much matter how you get there, those numbers are impressive. So too was Wednesday’s better than 3-to-1 A/Ds as the Averages recovered, not the bad up day about which we often warn.  The tide, so to speak, may finally be getting around to even Bitcoin. The relevant ETFs here might be IBIT (38) for Bitcoin, and WGMI (21) for the Bitcoin Miners. Meanwhile, Gold looks ready to go again while Defense looks like a growth industry.

Back at the end of 1974 a technical analyst named Edson Gould, at the time as famous as any, correctly told an audience the bear market had ended. In disbelief they somewhat mockingly asked what he would buy. His answer was every third stock on the NYSE. It’s easy to have that feeling now, where stock picking is almost a waste of time, and we’re all great traders. It’s fun while it lasts, it lasts until it doesn’t, but when it doesn’t there will be warnings in the average stock versus the stock Averages. Some sentiment measures already are over the top, and at a macro level equities are 25% of assets versus 15% not that long ago. These are not timing tools, but they offer a backdrop of concern should things begin to deteriorate.

Frank D. Gretz

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US Strategy Weekly: A Global Easing

The current advance in US equity prices may have as much to do with what is happening outside of the US as it does with what is happening domestically. And we are not talking about the escalating conflict in the Middle East and Ukraine, but rather the easing bias of central banks around the world.

Cutting Rates Around the World

The Bank of Canada lowered interest rates 25 basis points at each of its last three policy meetings and is expected to cut rates another 50 basis points at next week’s meeting. Plus, Canada’s last inflation report showed prices rising a mere 1.6% YOY which gives the Bank the ability to continue to lower rates. China is planning to raise an additional $850 billion from special treasury bonds over the next three years in order to stimulate its weakening economy. This amount is up from the $250 billion reported by news sources a month ago and is in addition to the massive stimulus facilities announced a week ago which included lowering interest rates.

The European Central Bank has already cut rates twice this year, is expected to cut again this week, and analysts expect the benchmark rate to fall from its previous 4% level to 2% by early next year. The ECB’s stimulus is beginning to have an impact on the eurozone as seen by the improvements in both industrial production and credit demand in recent releases. The Bank of England cut interest rates in August, paused in September, but is expected to cut interest rates another 25 basis points in early November. Since August, New Zealand cut its official rate by 75 basis points and its annual inflation rate fell to 2.2% in the third quarter, down from 3.3% in the second quarter. The Reserve Bank of Australia has not yet pulled the lever on rate cuts but there is no doubt the economy is slowing, and the timing of a rate cut will depend on the data released over the next few weeks. On the other end of the spectrum, the Bank of Japan, which initiated a negative rate policy in 1999, raised interest rates by 25 basis points in March. However, the BOJ indicated it had no intention of raising interest rates again this year, which is likely due to the upward pressure this would put on the Japanese yen. All in all, the world’s major banks are implementing monetary stimulus, and this has been historically good for global equities.

Earnings Reports Could Still Be Pivotal

As third quarter earnings season begins, analysts will be focused on corporate guidance. Equity prices have been rising, but as of now, earnings estimates have been falling for 2024, 2025, and 2026. See page 8. Valuation does not support equities at this juncture, but this may not matter if this market is a melt-up or a bubble, at least in the short run. The SPX trailing 4-quarter operating multiple is 25.3 times, and well above all long- and short-term averages. The 12-month forwardPE multiple is 21.7 times and when added to inflation of 2.4%, sums to 24.1, which is above the standard deviation range of 14.8 to 23.8. See page 7. By all measures, the equity market remains richly valued and remains at levels seen only during the 1997-2000 bubble, the financial crisis of 2008, or the post-COVID-19 earnings slump. But we should point out that while the current trailing PE of 25.7 is extreme, previous bubbles have reached PE multiples of 29 to 31 times.

Banks typically kick off earnings reporting season and this week most have exceeded expectations citing gains in trading and strong investment banking revenues. Bankers are optimistic that monetary easing around the world will continue to support a pipeline of deals. Dealogic data indicated that worldwide mergers and acquisitions totaled $909 billion as of September 30, 2024. up 22% YOY. However, smaller and regional banks may have more difficult comparisons since they have fewer ways to offset the expected declines in net interest income.

What may be pivotal to several markets was the report from ASML Holding N.V (ASML – $730.43), Europe’s biggest tech firm and the leading supplier of equipment for manufacturing chips. The company lowered 2025 guidance for sales and bookings, citing sustained weakness in parts of the semiconductor market. The company said that despite a boom in AI-related chips, other parts of the semiconductor market have been weaker than expected, companies that make logic chips are delaying orders and customers that make memory chips plan to limit new capacity additions. The stock suffered its worst one-day fall in 26 years and took most of the semiconductor sector with it. Chip stocks were also hurt by a report indicating the Biden administration is considering capping AI-chip exports by US companies.

UnitedHealth Group (UNH – $556.29) beat consensus earnings estimates for the quarter but lowered guidance for 2025 to around $30 a share which fell below analysts’ estimates of $31.18 per share, according to LSEG data. CEO Andrew Witty said the lower 2025 forecast is due in part to payment cuts from the government for Medicare plans and low state payment rates for Medicaid plans for low-income people. Stock prices for UNH and other health insurers fell on the news.

Oil stock also fell this week after OPEC cut its estimate for global energy demand and as the fear that Israel would target Iranian oil facilities faded. Nevertheless, while the broad equity indices traded lower on the sum of this negative news, the pullback was barely visible in the technical charts. See page 10.


The breadth of the market has strengthened in recent weeks with the NYSE advance/decline line setting a string of all-time highs in line with the indices. See page 12. The 25-day up/down volume oscillator is at 2.89 and neutral after spending two consecutive days in overbought territory earlier in the week. This oscillator was in overbought territory for seven of eight days ending September 19, the last six of these sessions were consecutive. With many of the indices at or near all-time highs, it is important for this indicator to confirm the advance with an overbought reading of at least 5 consecutive days. See page 11. But by most measures the equity market is demonstrating positive momentum as it approaches what are typically the best three performing months of the year, i.e., November, December, and January.

Inflation, better but not Gone

Headline CPI for September ratcheted down from 2.5% YOY to 2.4%; however, the decline in headline CPI was due in large part to the 15% YOY declines in gasoline and energy prices. Core CPI edged higher from 3.2% to 3.3%. Service sector inflation edged lower from 4.8% to 4.7% YOY and owners’ equivalent rent edged down from 5.4% to 5.2% YOY. However, the problems in September were found in medical care, which increased from 3.2% YOY to 3.4%, health insurance which jumped from 3.3% to 7.5% YOY and motor vehicle maintenance & repair which jumped from 4.1% YOY to 4.9% YOY. Auto insurance increased 16.3% YOY in September versus 16.5% in August. See page 3 and 4.

Oddly, consumer sentiment declined in October despite the drop in gasoline prices. The University of Michigan consumer sentiment index, while little changed from levels seen in May, remains well below levels seen earlier in the year. See page 6. The economic backdrop is mixed but may become clearer once we see September’s retail sales report later this week. Valuation has been and remains a problem, but with the technical condition of the stock market improving and liquidity from central banks providing support, the outlook for equities is favorable.

Gail Dudack

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It’s Not That it’s a Bad Month it’s Just Tricky

DJIA: 42,454

It’s not that it’s a bad month it’s just tricky… it’s October. More market lows happen in October than in most months, but more 5% corrections happen as well. A market low doesn’t seem relevant here, and a 5% correction seems unlikely. Then, too, there’s the little matter of World War III and the election and its aftermath. More important, of course, is the matter of a still healthy technical backdrop. There’s plenty of jockeying around, but within the context of 70-80% of stocks above the 200, most stocks are in uptrends and the A/D Index is only a few days from its peak. The bad news is the good news of the economy has caused an uptick in yields, and a little shift in leadership.

Somewhat counterintuitively, it’s not unusual for yields to rise following a Fed easing, and the better economic numbers have added a further push. The rise in yields in turn has changed the landscape a bit in terms of leadership. It has put pressure on those high-yielding, defensive sectors of which the Utilities are a prime example. The Utilities of course have had a great year, and therein lies the other problem. Some 90% are within 5% of 12-month highs. That’s stretched to the point the odds of a further rise are greatly diminished. Stocks like Constellation (262), and Vistra (124) are quasi-Techs these days and Techs are acting better. Still, stretched is stretched.

Last Friday’s jobs number was a positive surprise to which the market reacted in its typical knee-jerk way. This, of course, despite the many subsequent revisions to which these numbers are subject.  We find most of this economic data pretty much useless, what is useful is the market’s reaction to the news.  A measure we do find useful, however, is the Citi Economic Surprise Index which measures economic reports against analyst expectations. After one of the longest negative streaks ever this measure has turned positive. When in the past these losing streaks ended, the S&P had a very high win rate over the next year.

If defensive stocks seem in for a rest, after their rest Tech seems on the rebound. Nvidia (135) isn’t back to its highs, but it has managed to break the downtrend from back in June. And the Semiconductor ETF (SMH-255) is holding above its 50-day. They’re also in a seasonally favorable period the next month or so. Defense stocks continue to act well, with XAR (157) and ITA (150) among the relevant ETFs there. Another possibility is the Industrial ETF (XLI-136), which includes Lockheed (597) and RTX (123) among its top 10 holdings.  Also included there are PayPal (79) and Uber (78), both positive charts. We admit to rarely looking at the phone carriers like AT&T (21) and Verizon (43) and by association, T-Mobile (211). The latter, however, is completely different in that it is in both short and long-term uptrends.  It’s worth a look.

The key to this market, and indeed all good markets, is keeping things in sync. Most important there are the A/Ds. They don’t have to be positive every day, but they have to keep up with the market Averages. Divergences between the two are what kills markets, though that takes time. For some reason, everyone likes to compare this market with ‘87 or 2000, while they could not be more different.  In ‘87 divergences began in March and continued into the October crash. In 2000 they actually gave the divergence a name – new economy and old economy.  When they give things a name, it is usually a late-stage phenomenon. Remember, down days happen, it’s the bad up days that cause problems.

Frank D. Gretz

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US Strategy Weekly: An Important Earnings Season

This week marks the beginning of third quarter earnings season, and it will include four S&P financial companies reporting earnings this Friday. According to LSEG IBES, analysts are forecasting S&P Composite earnings per share to grow 5% YOY this quarter, led by the double-digit gains projected for the technology, communications services, and healthcare sectors. Conversely, energy sector earnings are expected to decline 3.4% and be a drag on S&P Composite earnings and only low single-digit earnings growth is anticipated for the other six sectors. Still, it may not be the results of this quarter that will capture investors’ attention. The guidance for future earnings growth is what may move markets. Keep in mind that while S&P’s third quarter earnings are forecast to grow only 5% YOY, fourth quarter earnings are estimated to increase a healthy 12.5% YOY. With the popular equity indices recently hitting record highs, double-digit earnings growth might be a necessity to keep the current advance in place. Positive earnings guidance will be particularly important since both Dow Jones S&P and LSEG IBES have been cutting earnings estimates for 2024, 2025, and 2026 for the last four consecutive weeks. See page 11. In our view, rising prices and falling earnings are inconsistent, particularly when the market’s trailing 12-month PE is 24.7 times earnings, and the 12-month forward PE is rich at 21.3 times. See page 10.

With this in mind, PepsiCo Inc. (PEP – $170.42) announced third quarter adjusted earnings of $2.31 that were above analysts’ expectations of $2.29. However, revenue growth disappointed in the quarter and the company cut its forecast for annual sales growth stating that price-conscious consumers were opting for cheaper private-label brands and hurting revenue. As a result, PepsiCo now expects annual organic revenue growth to be below its previous forecast of 4%. When banks come into focus later this week, analysts will be concentrating on changes in net interest income. Net interest income, or the difference between what banks earn on loans and what they pay out on deposits, provided a windfall for the sector as the Federal Reserve was raising rates; but September marked a big change after the Fed’s first rate cut since March 2020. Corporate guidance on net interest income, consumer loan delinquencies, office loan reserves, trading, and investment banking activity will be important for the financial sector this quarter and in the quarters ahead.

The source of the market’s recent exuberance was September’s employment report that was much stronger than expected. The 254,000 increase in payrolls and the unemployment rate falling for the second month in a row to 4.1%, pointed to a robust economy. Even the U6 unemployment rate fell from 7.9% to 7.7% in the month.

But the details of the report were not quite as hearty, in our view. The establishment survey indicated jobs grew 1.56% YOY, slightly below the long-term average of 1.69% YOY. Meanwhile, the household survey revealed a weaker employment picture, which in our view, justifies the expected revision to the establishment survey early next year. The household survey has been showing that year-over-year job growth has been less than 1% in each month of 2024. August’s household survey showed employment declined on a year-over-year basis; however, in September, the survey reported job growth improved slightly to 0.2% YOY. This poor job growth is significant because negative job growth is a classic signal of a recession. See page 3.

There has been a focus on foreign-born versus native-born employment this year because of a growing disparity between the two categories since the end of 2019. In the last 12 months foreign-born employment grew by 1.2 million to 31.4 million people; while in the same period, native-born employment fell by 825,000 to 130.6 million. Keep in mind that this data comes from the household survey which is much broader than the establishment survey which only includes workers on a payroll as reported to the state. The total number of unemployed foreign-born residents was 1.4 million in September and the foreign-born unemployment rate was 4.2%. There were 5.2 million native-born workers unemployed in September and the native-born unemployment rate was lower at 3.8%. See page 4.

The ISM nonmanufacturing index rose from 51.5 to 54.9 in September and all components moved higher. The only indices still below the 50 level were employment and order backlog. The best improvement was new orders which rose from 53.0 to 59.4, the highest reading since February 2023. The ISM manufacturing index was unchanged at 47.2, with five components rising and five declining. The biggest improvement was seen in business activity/production, which increased from 44.8 to 49.8, the best reading since May 2024. See page 5.

Employment in the manufacturing index fell from 46.0 to 43.9 and in the nonmanufacturing survey it fell from 50.2 to 48.1. These declines are in sharp contrast to September’s payroll report which was stronger than expected and makes us concerned that September’s payrolls may be revised lower. The ISM backlog of orders was the only other index in the nonmanufacturing survey that remained below 50, even though it increased from 43.7 to 48.3. In the manufacturing survey the backlog of orders was also weak, inching up from 43.6 to 44.1. Overall, the ISM reports suggested a stable economy with good growth in the service sector, stability in the manufacturing sector, but questionable growth in terms of employment. See page 6.

Consumer credit outstanding grew by $8.9 billion in August, underperforming consensus expectations and decelerating sharply from July’s upwardly revised gain of $26.7 billion. Both revolving and nonrevolving credit grew 0.6% in August versus July, and on a seasonally adjusted basis, revolving credit grew 5.4% (down from 10.7% a year earlier) and nonrevolving credit grew 1.2% (down from 1.9% a year earlier). After inflation, revolving credit grew 2.8% YOY and nonrevolving decreased 1.2% YOY. Nonrevolving credit contracted slightly in June, but falling interest rates had a positive impact on mortgage growth in July and August. The importance of consumer credit is similar to that of job growth. Deceleration precedes contraction and contraction is a sign of a recession. See page 7.

The NFIB small business optimism index was 91.5 in September, in line with the 88.5 to 91.9 range it has maintained since June 2022. This made July’s increase to 93.7 a positive “outlier.” September was the 33rd consecutive month of the optimism index falling below the 50-year average of 98. Plans for capex, employment, expansion, and inventories were somewhat lower, but little changed in the month. See page 8. Actual sales changes for small business owners fell from negative 16 to negative 17 in September and actual earnings rose from negative 37 to negative 34. Nevertheless, both remain historically weak. Sales expectations rose from negative 18 to negative 9 in September. With this backdrop it is not surprising that the NFIB uncertainty index rose from 92 to 103 in September, its highest level since data began in 2017. NFIB stated “Uncertainty makes owners hesitant to invest in capital spending and inventory, especially as inflation and financing costs continue to put pressure on their bottom lines.” See page 9.

There were no significant changes in our technical indicators this week. See page 12 to 16. In our view, stock prices should always be supported by solid earnings growth, and this makes third quarter earnings season critically important. However, earnings do not matter in a bubble market and with liquidity flowing due to monetary easing taking place in Europe, China, and the US, the path of least resistance for equities may still be up.

Gail Dudack

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Dock Strike, Floods, More War

DJIA:  42,011

Dock strike, floods, more war … October has begun like a Country and Western song. And we thought September was supposed to be the bad month. If you define a bad day as a 1% decline in the S&P, bad days happen about 10% of the time. For reasons unknown to mere mortals, or even technical analysts, they happen 16% of the time on October’s first trading day, according to Monday saw a 0.9% S&P decline, let your conscience be your guide here, but a 1% decline that day comes with favorable implications for the remainder of the year. When down 1% or more on October’s first trading day, from the second day to year-end the market is up every time. Whether that includes times of war and pestilence we can’t say, we can say the technical background is supportive here. Even Tuesday with all its bad news saw almost 1800 stocks advance, hardly a down day.

The fact that we got through September, the worst month of the year, and the third week of September, the worst week of the year, should not be completely ignored. Seasonality is never to be taken as an investment plan, and in markets anything over-hyped rarely works. Then, too, these concepts can take on a life of their own.  So ignoring any chance to go down is always a good thing. At a more tangible level, last week saw 70% of NYSE stocks above their 200-day. A level of 60% has produced above average returns, 70% is associated with bull markets. As for the economy as it relates to the market, some 35% of cyclical stocks recently made 12-month new highs, a number associated with better than 85% win rate for the S&P over the next six months.

When they started calling China “uninvestable,” guess we should have known. China stocks now look uninvestable because they’ve run so much. We can’t in any way say we saw the rally coming, but we had noticed a dichotomy between the terrible news out of China and their not so terrible stock patterns. To the extent technical analysis applies, and markets are markets, more than 90% of the stocks are above their 10-day average, stocks above their 50-day have cycled from 15% more than 90%. That’s momentum that should not turn on a dime, and almost remarkably it has not. Even if you think you don’t care about China, if you care about commodities, copper, iron ore, casinos, and so on, you care about China. Importantly as well, China is another tailwind for stocks here.

We always find suspect anything too obvious – it’s already discounted. This would seem true of Defense stocks, but what can we say, the charts are good. If anything, we’re a bit surprised they’re not more stretched. Of course it’s not just about these never-ending conflicts, it’s about Defense as a business. The relevant ETFs here are XAR (158) and ITA (150).  A volatile but interesting chart is AeroVironment (AVAV-201), and then the usual suspects, Raytheon (124) and the like. Our two cents is the conflict has turned more serious if now they can rally even the Oils. Tech took the brunt of Tuesday’s weakness, but Tech/NAZ has been the weak link for some time now. We’re putting this in the category of a rest, and certainly they deserve one. Something like 10 stocks account for 30% of the S&P, Nvidia (123) alone some 6%. A thought is to go with the Equal Weight S&P until the Tech rest is over.

They say the market climbs a wall of worry. Then, too, they also say the market doesn’t like uncertainty. And here we are with plenty of uncertainty about which to worry. There is the election and its outcome/aftermath and there’s the little matter of World War III. Seems best to go with the technical backdrop which for now seems favorable. We say for now not because we anticipate problems, but we’ve noticed things do change. One day they hate China, the next day they can’t get enough of it. Stick with the basics, technically speaking. Down days happen, but up days should see the average stock keep pace with the stock Averages.

Frank D. Gretz

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US Strategy Weekly: Double Black Swans

Stock markets are always uneasy about unpredictable or unforeseen events, and this week two appeared, the dockworkers strike in the East and Gulf coasts of the US and Israel’s ground raids of Hezbollah strongholds in Lebanon followed by Iran’s missile attack on Israel. These two issues could prove to be temporary disruptions, but if not, they could just as easily change the economic and political balance of the financial markets.

The International Longshoremen’s Association union (ILA), representing 45,000 port workers, initiated a strike on October 1, 2024, which was its first large-scale stoppage in 50 years. It is estimated that the strike, which impacts half of the country’s ocean shipping, could cost the economy an estimated $5 billion a day. The US Maritime Alliance (USMX) said it offered union workers wage increases of nearly 50%, up from a prior proposal. However, according to CNBC, the union is pushing for a 61.5% pay increase to compensate for recent rampant inflation. What is worrisome is that this strike could create substantial shortages ahead of the holiday season and reignite inflation. The negative impact due to perishable produce could also be significant to farmers, wholesalers, and consumers. Given the potential this has on future inflation, it is not surprising that Federal Reserve Chair Jerome Powell indicated in comments to the National Association for Business Economics that he is not in a rush to lower rates further.

Oil prices, which had been trending lower, jumped 3% following reports that Iran, which backs the Hezbollah group, launched a retaliatory missile launch against Israel. To date, Israel was not aware of any casualties. Iran is the third largest producer of oil in the OPEC+ group and accounts for about 3% of world production. However, this is modest when compared to the US which ranks first with 22% of the world’s production and Saudi Arabia which ranks 7th, with 11% of worldwide production (according to US Energy Information Administration data). In other words, the real impact of Middle East turmoil on oil production may not be as large as the market perceives, unless this conflict escalates.

And these are not the only potential market-moving events of the week. The first and only Vice Presidential debate is schedule for October 1st and the employment release for September will be released on October 4th. The August JOLTS report showed that job openings unexpectedly increased by 329,000 in the month after two straight monthly decreases. This could boost job growth in September, but hiring fell by 99,000, and this is consistent with a slowing labor market. Overall, the JOLTS report suggests September’s job number should not disrupt the market.

Tracking the Economy

Some economists are now suggesting that the futures market is expecting too many rate cuts by the end of the year. We would agree, but in September Euro zone inflation dipped below 2% for the first time since mid-2021, and this implies that interest rates could continue to fall in Europe. In general, recent economic data has been mixed, but not weak enough to suggest that another rate cut is imminent.

In August, personal income rose 7.6% YOY, disposable income rose 7.2% YOY, and real disposable income rose 4.7%. Real personal disposable income, or income after taxes and inflation, has been positive since early 2023 and this year has been averaging 4% year-over-year. This has been supporting household consumption. Wages grew 5.5% YOY in August, led by the 6.5% YOY gain for government workers. On the other hand, workers in distributive industries only saw a 3.7% YOY gain in wages in August. Adding to personal income was government social benefits which increased 10.7% YOY in August, a big bump up from the 4.9% YOY increase seen at  the end of 2023. See page 3.

The Fed’s favorite inflation index the PCE deflator increased 2.24% in August, down from the 2.45% pace in July. Energy goods and service fell 5.0% YOY in August versus a gain of 0.4% YOY in July and this was a major factor in headline PCE falling. If data is not rounded it shows that many other categories of the PCE ticked higher. Excluding food and energy, or core PCE, rose slightly to 2.68% YOY in August from 2.65% in July. The services index was up 3.74% YOY, an increase from 3.70% a month earlier. PCE services excluding energy and housing rose 3.3% YOY in August, up from 3.2% in July. And finally, the housing PCE index increased to 5.27% YOY in August, versus 5.24% in July. See page 4. It seems that most of the good news in August’s PCE deflator came from lower energy costs.

In August, existing home sales were 3.9 million units, down 4.2% YOY, and continuing the negative YOY comparisons seen since August 2021. New home sales were 716,000, down from the 751,000 units seen a month earlier, but up 9.8% YOY. These are not new trends, but home prices are currently decelerating, or in some cases declining, and this could be favorable for new buyers but could also negatively impact homeowners. The price of an existing single-family median home was still increasing and up 2.9% YOY, but this was down from the 3.9% YOY gain in July, and the average of 5.1% YOY seen in the first five months of the year. The price of a new single-family home fell 4.6% YOY versus the 1.6% YOY decline reported in July. See page 5.

Politics and Economics

The final revisions to September’s University of Michigan consumer sentiment survey showed a pickup in sentiment with a rise in the main index from 67.9 to 70.1. This came from an increase in present conditions from 61.3 to 63.3 and a rise in future expectations from 72.1 to 74.4. As the November election approaches it is interesting to see the gaping dichotomy in the University of Michigan sentiment indices when shown by political party affiliation. In August, Democrats appear very upbeat with a headline index of 90.9, current conditions at 86.1, and expectations soaring to 94.0. Conversely, Republican headline sentiment is abysmal falling from 52.6 to 47.4 in August (the lowest on record), current expectations fell from 42.3 to 33.5 and expectations declined from 59.2 to 56.3. See page 6.

Valuation As we stated last week, valuation does not support equities, but if this is the start of a melt-up or bubble, equity valuation will not matter. The SPX trailing 4-quarter operating multiple is now 24.8 times, and well above all long- and short-term averages. The 12-month forward PE multiple is 21.3 times and when added to inflation of 2.5%, sums to 23.8, or the top of the normal range of 14.8 to 23.8. By all measures, the equity market remains richly valued and is at levels seen only during the 1997-2000 bubble, the financial crisis of 2008, or the post-COVID-19 earnings slump. See page 7. Equally important, earnings estimates are declining. The S&P Dow Jones consensus estimate for calendar 2024 is $236.67, down $0.59 this week. The 2025 estimate is at $274.73, down $1.89. The LSEG IBES estimate for 2024 may have had a typo last week but is currently at $241.25 down $1.26 from three weeks ago. The estimate for 2025 is $277.28, down $1.43 and the 2026 forecast is $312.92, down $1.45. Monitoring these estimates will be critical as we approach third-quarter earnings season since equity prices have been rising, but right now, earnings estimates are falling for 2024, 2025, and 2026. It is a bad combination.

Gail Dudack

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October: A Liquidity Boom

The third quarter of 2024 included the long-anticipated September Federal Reserve meeting, and the first fed funds rate cut in four years. What was equally remarkable, was the dramatic shift in equity leadership, away from the popular large capitalization companies linked to growth from artificial intelligence (AI) to a much broader range of equities. This was a positive change for most investors and as a result, the Dow Jones Industrial Average gained 8.2% in the quarter, as compared to the Nasdaq Composite index with a 2.6% increase. The benchmark S&P 500 Composite index rose 5.5%, while the broader Russell 2000 index was the biggest winner with an 8.9% gain. Perhaps the most surprising point in terms of the quarter’s performance was the spectacular 23% increase in the SPDR S&P Homebuilders ETF (XHB – $124.56), a homebuilding exchange-traded fund. Clearly, this jump was in anticipation of the Fed’s rate cut and the expectation that a shift to easy monetary policy would reignite the housing market.

50 Basis points

The 50-basis-point cut by the Federal Reserve was double the level expected only a month earlier. However, a larger cut may have been the Fed’s insurance policy to reduce the risk of the US economy experiencing a recession or a hard landing. Equally important, at the end of September the Chinese government announced its biggest stimulus package since the pandemic. This package included more than $326 billion in a variety of measures such as lower central bank rates, lower mortgage rates, minimum down payments on real estate transactions, and a 50 basis point decline in the RRR (reserve requirement ratio). The People’s Bank of China Governor Pan Gongsheng said further easing is likely to be in the pipeline, and another reduction in bank reserve requirements should be expected before year-end. These additional actions may be necessary to reverse the slump in Chinese consumer consumption, a shaky property market and growing deflationary pressures.

Asian analysts believe it will take fiscal as well as monetary measures to revive China’s economy, however China’s move was greeted favorably and triggered equity and commodity rallies around the world.

Furthermore, this stimulus trend did not start in September. Many central banks — including those in Europe, England, Canada and some emerging markets — were already cutting their benchmark interest rates before the Fed pivoted in mid-September. This policy shift by a number of central banks to lower key interest rates increases liquidity in the global financial system and should be a positive force for equities. The Wall Street adage “don’t fight the Fed” has been good advice historically.

While lowering the fed funds rate will support the US economy and a sluggish residential sector, it will also help the federal deficit. At present, 21% of outstanding marketable Treasury debt is held in short-term bills. September’s rate cut and the cuts expected to follow, will lower the government’s net interest expense in the months ahead. This factor should not go unnoticed since according to current White House data, in fiscal 2023, the government’s net interest expense was 9.5% of total spending, and in fiscal 2024 it is expected to exceed the 9.9% of total outlays spent for defense and international expense.

Rate cut history

Statistics on how the stock market reacts to an initial fed funds rate cut are quite mixed. History shows that the first rate cut typically occurs when the economy is already in a recession. But note, this fact may not have been known at the time since recessions – two consecutive quarters of negative GDP — are only identified with a six-month lag. The one easing cycle that took place prior to a recession was in June 1989, however, this cut was also followed by a recession, but not until July 1990. Moreover, inflation of 6% or greater is typically followed by a recession, even though it may take years to materialize. In short, there are reasons to be cautious, yet the current Covid/post-Covid cycle has been unusual in many ways and the stock market clearly feels we are headed for a soft landing or no recession at all. And perhaps this is true and it will be different this time. But are not convinced that a normal economic cycle of expansion/recession has been eliminated entirely. It may simply have been postponed for another time.

Equity valuation is high and an election nears

Global monetary policy currently supports equities, but what does not support equities is valuation. The S&P 500 trailing 4-quarter operating multiple is now 25.2 times earnings, and the 12-month forward PE multiple is 21.5 times. By all measures, the US equity market remains richly valued and is at levels seen only during the 1997-2000 bubble, the financial crisis of 2008, or the post-COVID-19 earnings slump. Still, it may be too soon to worry about current valuation. Even in these prior cycles, the 12-month trailing PE multiple reached a range of 27 to 31 before equity prices peaked. What is more, the current influx of liquidity has led some analysts to believe the US equity market could soon experience a “melt-up” in prices. In short, if the market is forming a bubble, or about to “melt up” valuation will not matter, at least in the short run.

2024 is a presidential election year, and while these years are rarely the best-performing years in the four-year cycle, there is a strong tendency for equity prices to rise at year end. November and December tend to be good months for stocks in most years, but they tend to be the best-performing months in a presidential election year. 

In the months ahead, the unemployment rate may become more important to equity investors than Fed policy, inflation, or earnings. If the unemployment rate continues to rise, the odds of a recession will increase substantially, and the equity rally could come to an end. Conversely, if the unemployment rate remains stable to lower, it would suggest a soft landing has indeed been achieved. This would be a good omen for both future corporate earnings and equity performance.

*Stock prices are as of September 30, 2024

Gail Dudack, Chief Strategist

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US Strategy Weekly: Liquidity Beats Valuation

Immediately after the Federal Reserve lowered the fed funds rate by 50 basis points last week, the debate shifted from when will the Fed cut rates, to what does a 50 basis-points cut mean? The table on page 3 shows all the easing cycles in Federal Reserve history that began with a cut of 50 basis-points or more. Of the 12 prior instances, five of these cuts occurred with a recession already in place (although that may not have been known at the time) and two other cuts preceded a recession by a few months. One 50 basis-point cut, in 1967, was a one-off, and the Fed soon returned to a tightening policy. In short of the 11 easing cycles that began with a 50 basis-point cut, seven, or 64%, were associated with a recession.

However, the current cycle is unique since the economy and inflation have been driven by a combination of trade disruptions and fiscal and monetary stimulus. With these external factors returning to normal, it is possible, perhaps even likely, that the economy will have a soft landing. But in our view, it is also possible that the economy falters badly once fiscal stimulus fades. The key to the economy’s next move will be the unemployment rate. As seen in the chart on page 3, if the unemployment rate continues to rise, the odds of a recession will increase substantially.

Nevertheless, the current backdrop for the equity market is promising. The Fed has begun to lower rates and its balance sheet, despite quantitative tightening, is $7.23 trillion, up 70% from the $4.21 trillion seen at the end of 2019. Plus, liquidity in the banking system remains high. For example, other liquid deposits are $10.58 trillion, down from a peak of $14.0 trillion, but assets such as demand deposits, retail money market funds, and small-denomination time deposits, have been increasing. As a result, banks held $18.8 trillion in liquid deposits for customers as of August 5th, down only 5.5% from their April 2022 peak. See page 4.

This is good news since liquidity is a key ingredient for a bull market. At present, liquid deposits at commercial banks equate to 34% of total US market capitalization. This percentage is down from the 48% recorded in January 2023, but it is much higher than the 12% to 14% seen at the end of 2019. It is also well above the average seen over the last 30 years, or 22%. Total assets of commercial banks were $23.46 trillion as of September 11, 2024, more than 35% greater than the $17.7 trillion recorded at the end of 2019. See page 5. Overall, the banking system is awash in cash which supports equities, particularly since the Fed is, and is expected to continue to lower short-term interest rates.

What does not support equities is valuation, but if the current rise in stock prices is the start of a melt-up, or a bubble, valuation will not matter, at least in the short run. The S&P 500 trailing 4-quarter operating multiple is now 25.2 times, and well above all long- and short-term averages. The 12-month forward PE multiple is 21.5 times. When this multiple is added to inflation of 2.5%, it sums to 24.0, which is above the top of the normal range of 14.8 to 23.8. By all measures, the equity market remains richly valued and is at levels seen only during the 1997-2000 bubble, the financial crisis of 2008, or the post-COVID-19 earnings slump. But it is worth noting that those prior markets peaked when the 12-month trailing PE multiple reached a range of 27 to 31. In other words, if this is a bubble market, it could move higher. See page 6.

But this may depend upon the results of the upcoming third-quarter earnings season. The S&P Dow Jones consensus estimate for calendar 2024 is currently $237.26, down $0.44 this week, and the 2025 estimate is $276.62, down $1.05. The LSEG IBES estimate for 2024 had a typo this week, but the estimate for 2025 is $278.71, down $0.94, and the guesstimate for 2026 EPS is $314.37, down $0.52. The current pattern of equity prices soaring, while earnings estimates are falling for 2024, 2025, and 2026, is unsustainable and worrisome. This means third quarter earnings results, and corporate guidance, will be critically important for equity investors. See page 7.

Recent data on housing permits and starts for August were favorable and erased all of July’s declines. Existing home sales fell slightly in August and were down 4.2% YOY. The median price of an existing home fell to $416,700, but was still up 3.1% YOY. Months of supply of homes rose from 4.1 to 4.2. However, Moody’s Delinquency Tracker showed commercial delinquency rates are on the rise and in particular, the office sector delinquency rate rose to 9.18%, up from 5.5% in January.

September’s Conference Board consumer confidence survey showed the headline index fall from an upwardly revised 105.6 in August to 98.7, near the bottom of the range held over the last three years. The present conditions survey tumbled from 134.6 to 124.3, the lowest level since March 2021. The expectations index fell from 86.3 to 81.7, but remained above the 80 level for the third consecutive month. Consumers have become more pessimistic about the outlook for business conditions, the labor market, and future incomes. We reported University of Michigan data last week. That sentiment survey showed a small bounce in September, but all three indices — overall, present, and expectations — remained near recessionary levels. See page 8.  

This week China announced its largest stimulus package since the pandemic, which included, among other things, lower central bank rates, lower mortgage rates, minimum down payments on real estate transactions, and a 50 basis point decline in the RRR (reserve requirement ratio). Although analysts warned that the weakness in the economy would require more fiscal stimulus, China’s stimulus program was the catalyst for a global equity market rally. It also triggered a small increase in crude oil prices and a rise in US interest rates. With the 10-year Treasury yield currently at 3.74% and the 2-year Treasury yield at 3.49%, the yield curve inversion has been unwound. And inversions are unwinding in many parts of the world including the UK, Germany, and Canada. Some economists warn that the unwinding of a yield curve inversion represents the most vulnerable time for an economy. This may be true once more. If so, the unemployment rate will be key in the months ahead. See page 9.

The broadening participation in the equity market helped the Dow Jones Industrial Average reach a record high on September 24, 2024. Moreover, the DJIA gained 7.9% in the quarter to date versus the 5% gain seen in the S&P 500. See page 14. Stocks are responding favorably to the Fed’s rate cut and China’s stimulus program and this has resulted in much-improved readings in breadth data. For example, the 25-day up/down volume oscillator is 2.33 and was overbought for seven of the eight days ending September 19, and the last six were consecutive. With many of the indices at or near all-time highs, it is important for this indicator to confirm the advance with an overbought reading lasting at least 5 consecutive days. If the rally which began in October actually was a new bull market advance, it should also include several extreme overbought readings of 5.0 or better, which are typical of the first stage of a major advance. To date, the 4.07 reading is the best seen since December 2023 which is encouraging. This six-day overbought reading was not overly impressive, but it was the best demonstration of volume following prices seen since the end of last year. It is clearly positive for the near-term outlook. See page 11. In addition, the 10-day average of daily new highs is 600 and new lows are 44. This combination of new highs above 100 and new lows below 100 is positive. The NYSE advance/decline line made a new record high on September 24, 2024, confirming the rally. See page 12. In sum, for the first time in a long while, all the broad breadth indicators are uniformly optimistic.

Gail Dudack

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Want a Tech stock… NOW?!  

DJIA:  42,025

Want a Tech stock… NOW?!   NOW, of course, is ServiceNow (919), one of the best acting Techs, especially given what has become a difficult area. While we tend to speak of Tech in an all-encompassing way, there is quite a difference between the Semis and Software.  Granted the Semis are simply correcting after a big run from April, and Software has flatlined since February, but the recent relative change could prove predictive. Meanwhile it’s striking that Nvidia is 6% of the S&P. There’s no magic number but at some point the question becomes who is left to buy? With Nvidia (118) having its troubles of late, it also helps explain why the S&P Equal Weight had outperformed a weighted index. Of course both have outperformed the NAZ.

Outperforming both Semis and Software are the Utilities. While not exactly techy, supplying power to data centers seems Tech enough to lead to a 25% gain this year. And they should be beneficiaries of lower rates though clearly they’re not trading as rate sensitive stocks. REITs, Home Builders, Insurance shares are rate- sensitive and have traded well even before the Fed cut. Meanwhile, even J.P. Morgan managed to shoot itself in the foot last week – you wonder why we don’t like the Banks.  This market has also taken to soap, at least to look at Procter & Gamble (172) and Colgate (102), available at your local Walmart (78) or Costco (901). Coke (71) and Pepsi (175) also are part of the Staples ETF (XLP – 83).  While only a staple to some of us, McDonald’s (294) seems to have righted the ship since July.

Admittedly, the idea of Utilities and soap as leadership versus Nvidia in Microsoft (439) may not seem ideal. Then, too, we are talking about a few weeks, and even these temporary rotations can last a few months.  Things change, rotation happens, it’s not the worst thing. It’s one thing to lose participation without replacing it, but that’s not the case now. In fact, we could argue the tactical backdrop is net better for the change. The A/D Index is at a new high, the names that make that so are far less important than the fact that it’s so. Markets just don’t get into big trouble against this sort of backdrop. Over the years many Tech stocks have gone away, Tech/Growth never goes away. The names may change and from time-to-time extended stocks need a rest.

It’s too early to say they’re back, but Thursday saw a bit of Tech reversion. Then, too, that’s part of what you usually find – down the most turns to up the most on days like Thursday. A pullback in the stocks that have been leading also seems little surprise. It’s hard to judge durability here.  Oil shares finally lifted, Industrials made new highs – things you would expect anticipating a better economy. Then, too, we never saw the economy as worrisome.  Grainger (1030) has a division they call “endless assortment.”  Parker Hannifin (626) is the company Greenspan used as an economic indicator. Both made new highs this week.  Advance-Decline numbers have been positive eight of the last nine days, that Index is at new highs, and 70% of stocks are above their 200-day, that is, in medium term uptrends.    There’s plenty from which to choose.

Of all the times inside information might have been useful, this was not one of them. Even the market itself didn’t seem to know what to do with the rate cut news Wednesday afternoon. The fact of the matter is 25 or 50 didn’t much matter – Wednesday afternoon was just the usual post meeting dance. The real inside information wasn’t inside at all, it was last Friday’s 5-to-1 up day.  That would not have happened had the market been worried about the rate cut. Like any news, it’s not the news but the market’s reaction to the news that matters.  We can’t expect great numbers every day, but the A/Ds should keep pace with the market averages.

Frank D. Gretz

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